
The Cracked Man was born from a shared love of creating original music, an experiential understanding of the fragility of the human psyche, and the fact no one else uses a slide bouzouki.

Singer and guitarist Marcus Wright is also a sound engineer and producer, driven to seek originality, clarity, and those sudden moments when you feel your heart could burst or break.

Kim Ayres likes to draw people into seemingly familiar but unexpected worlds with his photography, but is at his happiest when using a bottleneck, delay pedal and distortion box on a bouzouki never designed for such things.

Navigating a treacherous route between moments when they feel they could conquer the world, and times when the universe threatens to engulf their souls, The Cracked Man creates original foot-stomping, spine-tingling, brow-twitching, cheek-spasming, tea-dunking music that will leave you breathless but deeply satisfied.

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